Upon finishing a book…
Read the preface and look for a statement of the primary purpose, viewpoint, and themes.
Afterward, carefully read the entire book. It will make more sense if you have an overview of the main themes and concepts.
Review the main points of each chapter’s themes and ideas after reading it, then note them.
Consider yourself in a conversation with the author as you read the book. Ask the author questions, then read the book to see if you agree with their responses.
Creating the review…
Reviews should provide summaries of the topics, issues, or problems that the books address.
Summaries of the author’s main points and conclusions, as well as a discussion of how they arrived at their findings, should be included in essays.
Reviews should also discuss the books’ advantages and disadvantages and provide justifications for each.
A discussion and explanation of each book’s contribution to our knowledge and understanding of history would round out any review.
Bear in mind…
The clarity and conciseness of a written paper’s communication are two of its main evaluation factors. Carefully revise and proofread your essay. A “first draught” effort is improbable to meet this requirement.
Clearly define any essential terms that the book’s author utilized.
Give enough evidence and proof to back up your findings and generalizations.
The length of the review article should be around ten typewritten pages.
All review essays must be typed, double-spaced, and use a standard font with a minimum point size of 12 with a 1-inch margin on all sides.