Contact Us

Sweat Broadway showcase sits best garage door opener. Y ou are invited to see the full production at the Studio 54 at 220 West 54th Street in New York.

For ticket purchases, kindly contact us at [email protected]. You can also buy your tickets directly at the ticket booth at Studio 54 or you can buy your tickets online by clicking the show schedule that you prefer. We accept Paypal, credit cards, and mobile wallet payments. For online transactions, just save the confirmation receipt on your phones and show them to the attendant when you get to the venue.
For interviews and press related matters, kindly send us a message at [email protected].

Please follow Sweat Broadway on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to be updated on the latest news about the show and get to know the cast and crew better. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel to access rehearsals and behind the scene shots.


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